Michael Bloomberg has joined Leonardo DiCaprio and the Angry Birds’ ‘Red’ as a United Nations climate envoy.

Which of these characters, you wonder, is the most absurd choice to symbolize the global war on climate change?

At first glance, perhaps, it ought to be ‘Red’. ‘Red’, after all, is nothing but a cartoon character from a popular video game and has never, either in his gaming or his spin-off movie career, shown the slightest interest in anthropogenic global warming theory, carbon emissions or sustainability. That’s because his only real interest is in saving eggs from pigs.

Then again, being a fictional character who doesn’t exist in real life, you could argue that Red is the perfect metaphor for climate change – which shares every one of these characteristics.

But compared to DiCaprio and Bloomberg, ‘Red’ is undoubtedly the more credible candidate.

Whereas ‘Red’ flies around naturally using his own wings, DiCaprio and Bloomberg insist on doing so in private jets – amassing huge carbon footprints in the process.

DiCaprio is so attached to his private jet that he once used it to fly his favorite beautician 7,500 miles across the Pacific – and presumably another 7,500 miles back again – so that she could attend to his eyebrows before last year’s Oscars.

Even so, when it comes to “do as I say not do as I do” climate hypocrisy, DiCaprio is but a minor league player.

Poor DiCaprio’s carbon footprint is dwarfed by that of Bloomberg, whose fleet of aircraft reportedly includes a $30 million Dassault Falcon jet and who owns at least 14 residences in New York, Florida, Colorado, Bermuda, and London.

No doubt he will be making them all available to the 50 million climate refugees that global warming had created by 2010.

Oh, no wait: like all the climate alarmists’ doomsday predictions that didn’t actually come true, did it?