WASHINGTON, DC – Over a hundred conservative leaders issued a movement-wide statement on Friday, which begins, “Conservatives stand behind Scott Pruitt as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and thank him for the significant actions he has taken to implement President Trump’s deregulatory agenda.”

“President Trump campaigned on reducing Washington’s bureaucracy, and Administrator Pruitt has been instrumental to that effort,” continues the Conservative Action Project’s (CAP) Memo for the Movement, entitled Conservatives Stand with EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. “His leadership has helped President Trump keep his promises in a number of critical areas which conservatives support.”

The CAP Memo runs through eight major items Pruitt has accomplished over the past year, including:

Led by former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese III and CAP Chairman Alfred Regnery, the 113 signatories include an all-star lineup from every part of President Trump’s base:

“Overall, Administrator Pruitt has finalized 22 deregulatory actions, saving American families and businesses more than $1 billion in costs,” the CAP Memo continues. “He is critical to President Trump’s efforts to streamline agency efforts in a way that assists American families and the economy.”

“We applaud President Trump for his appointment of Scott Pruitt and support his continued tenure at the EPA,” the leaders conclude.

Ken Klukowski is senior legal editor for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @kenklukowski.