Sen. Bernie Sander (I-VT) declared in a New York Times interview on Friday that President Trump’s agenda will be “dead” if Democrats win the majority in the House or Senate in 2018.

“If Democrats control either the House or the Senate, Trump’s agenda is dead,” Sanders told the Times.

Sanders aimed at Democrat Party fundraising organizations, such as the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), for not supporting progressive grassroots candidates.

“The establishment Democrats are still, I think, looking toward candidates who can self-fund,” Sanders said.

Sanders gained a foothold in the 2016 Democratic primary against Hillary Clinton by raising money for his presidential campaign mainly through small-dollar donations.

The former 2016 presidential candidate said progressive candidates on the left are more electable than conservative Democrats, adding that Americans are catching on to ideas such as universal health care.

Sanders told the Times he plans to endorse candidates in the 2018 races, but he has not endorsed a candidate in the New York governor’s race.