Abby Johnson, a pro-life activist, author, and former director of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Bryan, Texas, is calling on parents around the world to join the Sex Ed Sit Out on Monday.

Abby Johnson is supporting a movement started by Elizabeth Johnston, who goes by The Activist Mommy online, asking parents to keep their child or children out of class for the day to protest the infiltration of Planned Parenthood’s graphic and perverse sex education curriculum in schools.

“They’re basically telling our kids that different sexual perversions are normal and parents are finally saying ‘Enough,’” Johnson told Breitbart News Sunday, hosted by Washington Political Editor Matt Boyle and Deputy Political Editor Amanda House on SiriusXM Patriot 125.

“The problem with these other walkouts is the kids basically taking authority in the school,” Johnson said referring to the rash of recent student-led protests and walkouts promoted and funded by left-wing adults calling for gun control.

“The kids should not have the authority in the school,” Johnson said. “That’s one of the problems of our schools today.”

“The administration has lost control,” Johnson said.

Johnson painted an ominous picture of Planned Parenthood’s “business model” of getting their promiscuous and perverse sex education programs to children as early as kindergarten.

“There were even some Planned Parenthood educators that were going into public school systems with stuffed animals in elementary schools and showing different graphic sexual positions with stuffed animals to kindergarten and first-grade students,” Johnson said.

“They’re trying to break down your child’s natural modesty, and they’re basically sexualizing them at a very early age,” Johnson said. “They’re telling these kids that your parents are not safe people to turn to.”

“When you start having sexual feelings, when you start having questions, your parents are not safe,” Johnson said. “[Parents] do not understand what you’re going through. They’re old. They’re out of date. We understand. You come to us.”

As children get older, the sexualization efforts get bolder, according to Johnson.

“There have been stories of girls who have come home with packs of birth control pills from their school nurse,” Johnson said. “They find out it’s actually a Planned Parenthood clinic operating inside of a public school.”

Johnson called Planned Parenthood a “transactional” organization that works to cultivate future abortion customers.

“The hope at Planned Parenthood is that we would have a young girl using some form of hormonal contraception by the time she’s 12 years old,” Johnson said. “That contraception, we know because of the high human error rate, is going to eventually fail.”

And early sexualization, as the strategy goes, increases the likelihood that girls will grow up to have an abortion.

In fact, Johnson said, according to Planned Parenthood’s own statistics, 54 percent of women who seek an abortion were using a contraceptive when they got pregnant.

But to achieve their goals Planned Parenthood needs to be in charge of a child’s sex education, Johnson said.

“And that’s why Planned Parenthood rails again parental consent, parental notification for abortion services in various states,” Johnson said. “Because they believe parents are a barrier to service.”

“So they want to keep parents out of the picture at all costs,” Johnson said.

Johnson said the Sex Ed Sit Out is an opportunity for parents to have their voices heard and stop Planned Parenthood’s presence in American classrooms.

“These things are happening nationwide, and parents have got to pay attention to what’s happening in their kid’s school,” Johnson said.

Parents who participate in the sit out are asked to send a letter to principals explaining why their child or children are absent, which reads, in part:

Pornographic sex ed is being implemented across our globe in an attempt to indoctrinate our children with “sexual rights.” This is unacceptable, and I’m joining others both nationally and globally in taking a stand to say “enough.”

Johnson said when she was working at Planned Parenthood, parents were successful in getting its sex ed curriculum out the schools in Bryan, Texas after they mounted a petition campaign that gathered more than 100,000 signatures.

“It took all of these people coming together, rallying together — all of these parents and grandparents coming together and saying we are not going to stand for this anymore,” Johnson said.

Now it is time to take the movement across the nation and around the world, Johnson said.

“I just think now is the time,” Johnson said. “Planned Parenthood makes millions of dollars — our tax dollars — going into public school systems and teaching graphic sex education to our children.”

To find out more about the Sex Ed Sit Out visit its Facebook page.

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