The latest round of polls that look at the generic ballot show a dramatic  drop for Democrats as we head into the 2018 mid-terms elections.

In the Real Clear Politics poll of polls, Democrats enjoyed a seven point advantage last week. As of Thursday, that lead has slipped to just five points.

That five point lead, though, includes polls going back to mid-July, including an outlier Quinnipiac poll that gave Democrats a 12 point lead.

If you look only at the four polls taken this month, the Democrat lead drops to an average of just 2 (2.25) points.

Rasmussen shows Democrats at +4 (45-41 percent) — down from +6 last week.

IBD/TIPP has both parties all tied up at 45 percent — down from +8 Democrat lead at the end of June.

Economist/YouGov has Democrats +3 (44-41 percent) — down from +4 last week.

Reuters/Ipsos has Democrats +2 (41-39 percent) — down from +6 last week.

There are a number of possible explanations for this fairly dramatic movement away from the Big Blue Wave.

To begin with, we have had some undeniably good economic news of late, which voters are crediting President Trump for.

Also, Trump has been aggressively stumping for Republicans with as many as three rallies just last week.

What’s more, despite the best efforts of the establishment media to hide good news from Trump and to protect Democrats from themselves, thanks to alternative media, the extremism of the Pelosi left is, the message about the reality of what a Democrat-controlled House of Representatives could mean for the country (ginned up scandals, gridlock, bitter partisanship, and a move to impeach Trump over nonsense) is getting out.

While there is no question Democrats are energized for 2018, as they run around praising socialism, putting illegal aliens above law-abiding American citizens, and promise to dismantle border enforcement and ICE, these are the kinds of terrifying realities that energize the rest of America and turn off reasonable Democrats.

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