Gun control activist David Hogg reacted to the firearm attack in Jacksonville, Florida, by going after the NRA yet again.

On August 26, 2018, Breitbart News reported that 24-year-old David Katz allegedly shot and killed two people and wounded nine others during a Madden 19 Tournament being held in a mall called Jacksonville Landing.

Jacksonville Landing is a gun-free zone and prohibits concealed carry permit holders that would otherwise carry a firearm for self-defense. In this way, Jacksonville Landing is like Orlando Pulse (June 12, 2016) and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (February 14, 2018), both of which were gun-free zones.

Despite this demonstrable failure of gun-free zones, David Hogg is going after the NRA. He tweeted:

He also tweeted about a group of his gun control colleagues who will be holding a sit-in in front of the Senators offices who took money from the NRA:

Following the February 14 Parkland high school attack, and at gun controllers’ behest, Florida politicians put waiting periods in place for long gun purchases, raised the minimum rifle purchase age to 21, and adopted gun confiscation orders that empower police officers to take away firearms from those deemed to be a threat. None of these laws prevented Sunday’s shooting.

In Maryland, the home state of the shooting suspect, “assault weapons” are banned, “high-capacity” magazines are banned, handgun purchasers have to submit fingerprints to state police. Moreover, would-be handgun buyers have to acquire a “Handgun Qualification License” before the purchase can be finalized.

None of these laws prevented Sunday’s shooting either, so Hogg and his fellow gun controllers are pointing fingers at the NRA.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News, the host of the Breitbart podcast Bullets with AWR Hawkins, and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at Sign up to get Down Range at