Planned Parenthood has chosen a Chinese immigrant doctor to lead its organization, which has deteriorated in its provision of actual health care services as it has focused primarily on growing a political lobbying behemoth that serves to protect abortion.

According to a press release from Planned Parenthood, Dr. Leana Wen, 35, is an emergency room doctor who currently serves as commissioner of health for the city of Baltimore.

Wen and her parents were granted political asylum in the United States when they immigrated from Shanghai, China, when Wen was nearly eight-years-old, according to Planned Parenthood. They became U.S. citizens in 2003.

“Growing up, Dr. Wen, as well as her mother and sister, relied on Planned Parenthood for health care,” the organization states. “During medical school, she volunteered at a Planned Parenthood health center in St. Louis.”

The New York Times observes that Wen is “only the second doctor in the organization’s 102-year history to serve in the role” and that past president, Cecile Richards, “came from a more political background.”

Planned Parenthood notes Wen earned her medical degree from Washington University School of Medicine and was a clinical fellow at Harvard Medical School.

“During medical school, she was elected president of the American Medical Student Association and took a year off to fulfill her leadership duties, including leading 65,000 physicians-in-training to fight for universal health and advocate for reproductive rights,” the group states.

Wen and her parents fled a nation that has enforced a one-child policy– one that has led to massive numbers of abortions of unborn babies, most of them female.

“Dr. Wen was just a child when she left China, but she was born in a nation with an authoritarian government that forced abortions under their One Child Policy for more than three decades,” said Penny Nance, CEO & president of Concerned Women for America, in a statement sent to Breitbart News. “We know the devastating impact of that policy. If Dr. Wen cares for women, we ask that she rely on her expertise as a doctor instead of her political activism.”

Similarly, former Planned Parenthood manager Abby Johnson, who now runs And Then There Were None, a group that helps abortion workers leave the industry, said in a statement that it is “especially unsettling” that Wen has failed “to take a stance against the abhorrent forced abortions in her native country.”

Wen joins Planned Parenthood at a time when its most recent annual report shows it continues to perform over 320,000 abortions per year while offering no mammograms and minimal prenatal services to poor pregnant women.

During 2016-2017, Planned Parenthood boosted its profits by $21 million – 27 percent – from the prior year as the group also took in nearly $544 million in taxpayer funding.

Planned Parenthood considers itself to be a leader when it comes to contraception, yet the organization’s birth control services continued to drop in the past year to 2,701,866 – almost four percent – since its 2015-2016 report when it clocked 2,808,815 contraception services. This number was down from 2,945,059 in 2014-2015.

Similarly, the group has touted its prenatal and maternity care, though the past year’s annual report shows the number of prenatal services once again dropping – this year to 7,762 – a 17 percent decline from the 9,419 performed the year before. In 2014-2015, Planned Parenthood claimed 17,419 prenatal services performed.

Planned Parenthood has touted “innovations” in its services offered such as a “gender neutral” app that helps individuals keep track of their menstrual periods and birth control, and the fact that its affiliates in 17 states now offer hormone treatments for individuals who claim they are transgender and uncomfortable with their biological sex.

The group has veered headlong into politics, admitting in its recent annual report that it has been a “driving force” of the Trump resistance movement.

“After the largest demonstration in history, we built strong partnerships with organizations and other resistance leaders,” the group boasted after the Women’s March following President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Planned Parenthood has been on the defensive, however, particularly since an undercover investigation led to allegations the group has illegally profited from the sale of body parts of babies aborted in its clinics. The U.S. Department of Justice recently launched a formal investigation into these allegations.

After years of enjoying its political clout with establishment politicians, celebrities and the liberal media, the abortion giant now faces possible elimination of its taxpayer funds following years of scandals, including Medicaid fraud and allegations of child sex abuse cover-up as well.

Planned Parenthood, however, blames Republicans and the Trump administration for its difficulties.

“Every day, Congress and the Trump administration push policies that undermine people’s ability to get the care they need to have fulfilling lives,” the group laments in its annual report.

Pro-life leaders say, regardless of Wen’s credentials, a doctor who does not acknowledge the life of unborn children will not help Planned Parenthood.

“If Planned Parenthood was truly serious about advocating for women, they would hire someone as their president who understands medicine and, because of that knowledge, accepts that abortion does not help women but only inflicts harm and destruction,” Nance said. “Instead, they have hired a medical professional who does not understand the true nature of abortion and is more a political activist than women’s health advocate.”

Similarly, Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, said, “Putting a doctor in in the presidency of Planned Parenthood won’t change the fact that the overall mission of that organization is ensuring that many lives are ended at a huge profit to the nation’s number one abortion vendor.”

“Abortion is not healthcare, and women deserve better than what Planned Parenthood wants to sell them,” she said, adding:

Planned Parenthood does two things well, convince politicians to give it scarce taxpayer resources to the tune of more than half-a-BILLION dollars each year, and end pre-born lives. It’s time to defund Planned Parenthood and invest in life-affirming choices for women and their children.

Johnson asserts as well that, if Wen is indeed a women’s advocate, she should be aware as a physician of the harm abortion causes them.

“Media reports indicate Dr. Wen is a fierce advocate of ‘women’s health’ and has fought for Title X government funding for taxpayer funding of groups that perform abortions,” she said. “As a doctor, she should know better than anyone the harm abortion causes to women and the fatal end that the baby always meets, which is exactly what Planned Parenthood promotes under the guise of ‘women’s health.’”