UPDATE: CNN has retracted its fake news that a pipe bomb was sent to the White House. 

After CNN ran its report about the pipe bomb being intercepted in the mail before it reached the White House. other news outlets and the Secret Service said the CNN report was not true. 

Breitbart News has changed the headline of this piece. The original report is below….

A package that contained a pipe bomb was addressed to the White House and intercepted at Joint Base Bolling in Washington, DC, reports CNN.

To the contrary, Reuters says no explosive packages were sent to the White House.

Law enforcement told CNN the “device was similar to ones sent to homes of Soros, Clintons, and Obamas.”

Over the past 48 hours, authorities have reported finding explosive devices at the homes of left-wing activist and businessman George Soros, as well as former President Barack Obama and the New York home of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

A suspicious package was also found at the Time Warner building in New York City, where CNN is located. That building is being evacuated.

CNN reports: “It was not immediately clear who the package was addressed to, but CNN evacuated its newsroom as a precaution.”

The White House has condemned the attempted bombings as “despicable” acts of terror committed by “cowards.”


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