Christine Blasey Ford issued a public statement last Wednesday admitting that she spent a good portion of the hundreds of thousands of dollars raised on personal security expenses.

Ford told her supporters who raised money on the “Help Christine Blasey Ford” GoFundMe page last Wednesday that the donations “have been a godsend,” and have been used to pay for a personal “security service” since September 19, a home security system, and housing in Washington, DC, and California:

The funds you have sent through GoFundMe have been a godsend. Your donations have allowed us to take reasonable steps to protect ourselves against frightening threats, including physical protection and security for me and my family, and to enhance the security for our home. We used your generous contributions to pay for a security service, which began on September 19 and has recently begun to taper off; a home security system; housing and security costs incurred in Washington DC, and local housing for part of the time we have been displaced. Part of the time we have been able to stay with our security team in a residence generously loaned to us.

The fundraiser raked in $647,610 before it stopped accepting donations five days ago, but it is unclear how much of that money Ford spent on security expenses.

Ford added that she would donate any remaining funds after paying for her security costs to trauma survivor organizations.

“With immense gratitude, I am closing this account to further contributions. All funds unused after completion of security expenditures will be donated to organizations that support trauma survivors,” she wrote on the fundraising page. “I am currently researching organizations where the funds can best be used.”

Ford, a California psychology professor, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in September accusing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assault at a party 36 years ago.

The committee decided to conduct an additional FBI investigation limited in scope to look into her claims. The FBI later found the allegations against Kavanaugh to be uncorroborated.

Several Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, including Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), said Ford had “nothing to gain” by coming forward with her accusations to the committee.

But she actually gained quite a bit from her testimony, obtaining access to hundreds of thousands of dollars from multiple crowdfunding campaigns in support of her and receiving several requests for book deals.

The California psychology professor also had the added benefit of having some of her security expenses covered by taxpayers. Ford had access to “heightened security” provided by Capitol Police and the Senate Sergeant at Arms during the confirmation process.