A New York state Democratic senator sponsoring a bill that would require potential gun owners to submit to social media background checks told a Republican aide over Twitter on Tuesday to “kill” herself.

New York Sen. Kevin Parker (D-Brooklyn) sent the violent tweet to the New York State Senate Majority’s deputy communications director, Candice Giove, on Tuesday morning after Giove accused Parker of misusing a New York Senate parking placard. Parker responded to the accusations by telling Giove, “Kill yourself!”

The New York Democrat deleted the tweet within minutes and issued an apology within the hour:

But that did not stop Parker from attacking Giove on Twitter just hours after the tweet. Parker mocked Giove on Tuesday afternoon for being “on the wrong side of history for every important issue facing New York State.”

Parker is also one of the main sponsors of a bill which would require prospective gun owners to submit their social media accounts to law enforcement to review any “objectionable” statements, the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle reported.

If the bill passes, law enforcement would be allowed to search three years’ worth of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat posts of those submitting applications for gun permits in New York state.

The bill would also allow law enforcement to review one year of gun permit applicants’ search engine histories.