Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) said on Thursday she will not back down on calling for President Donald Trump to be impeached because Trump “disgraces the office of the presidency every single day.”

On The Intercept’s “Deconstructed” podcast, Tlaib said she is still “absolutely” for impeaching Trump, arguing that the “Constitution demands it.”

Tlaib, who vowed to “impeach the motherf**ker” after her first day in Congress, added that “every single day that he’s president of the United States that has not divested in all of his domestic and foreign corporations, he’s making decisions not in the best interest of the American people.”

“He’s making it based on the profit lines. There is a slippery slope here,” she continued. “If we allow the president United States not to release his taxes and not to understand where his corporate interests are, then who’s next after him?”

Tlaib accused Trump of “looking the other way, even on Saudi Arabia… because of his investments.”

“Look, it’s not a waste of time to hold the President of the United States accountable. No matter what we pass, he’s the administration that has to implement it,” she said. “So, if it’s not in the corporate interest of his own, you know, profit line, then he’s not going to implement it on the best interest of the American people. We need to understand our duties as members of Congress and I believe looking at even Nixon’s impeachment, or his literally, his resignation, it was Republicans and Democrats coming together and putting country first, coming together and putting our values first.”