Louisiana State Rep. Katrina Jackson – a Democrat – revved up the thousands who gathered on the National Mall Friday afternoon for the annual March for Life rally by urging them to answer her call to “fight for life.”

“Louisiana is the number one pro-life state in the nation, and mainly because, in Louisiana, it doesn’t matter if you’re Democrat or Republican, black or white – we fight for life,” she told the crowd, inviting them to respond “for life!” whenever they heard her say “we fight.”

“Regardless of whether a Democrat, Republican, black, white, male, female, we fight –” Jackson called to the crowd, who shouted back, “for life!”

“We don’t do it for ourselves, because someone has already chosen our life,” she continued, adding:

We fight for those who cannot speak for themselves. We fight because it’s the right thing to do and we fight because we know that – for everyone who doesn’t speak out – their silence means consent. So, we speak out and we fight so that we’re never silent on the shedding of innocent blood.

“I tell people in my state, when they ask me why are you – a black female Democrat – fighting for life?” she told the pro-life marchers. “I say because I’m a Christian first,” a statement that was met with thunderous applause.

“God hates the shedding of innocent blood,” she said, “and there’s no blood more innocent than of an unborn child who’s never sinned, who never knew sin. And, so, for them, we will continue together, regardless of being Democrat, Republican, black, white, male, or female – we will fight!”

Rep. Dan Lipinski, a Democrat congressman from Illinois, also spoke to the crowd at the March for Life rally.

The notion that only Republicans are pro-life has recently been shattered by a new Marist poll, co-sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, which found 75 percent of Americans want substantial restrictions on abortion, including 60 percent of Democrats and 61 percent of those who identify as “pro-choice.”

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson of the Knights of Columbus discussed the poll results with Breitbart News during an interview at the March for Life event. He explained:

The problem is we’re too focused on labels, and we really need to go beyond the labels and see what people think in more nuance and specificity because society and people are more complicated than labels. And, when we did that on abortion, we found out that the vast majority of Americans want change from the existing status quo – Roe v. Wade. And they want to restrict abortion much more substantially than what Roe v. Wade mandates now.

Anderson emphasized the poll’s results that 60 percent of Democrats say they want substantial restrictions on abortion, as do 61 percent who identify as “pro-choice.”

“I think it’s fair to say that many Americans who think they favor choice in the cases of life of the mother, or rape or incest, for example, say, ‘Well, those are choices, so I’m pro-choice,’” he explained. “Whereas, many other people would say, ‘Well, really, that’s a pro-life position.’ And that would overwhelmingly restrict all these other abortions.”