Donald Trump Jr. surprised his father’s supporters at a rally in El Paso, Texas, on Monday by taking the stage and mocking Beto O’Rourke and Democratic socialists in a fiery speech.

“I’d have been more impressed if he had the guts to rally on the Juarez side, on the other side of the wall,” Trump Jr said, referring to the Mexico side of the border.”But he didn’t of course because we all know that walls wor, guys.”

As the crowd chanted U-S-A! Trump Jr. joked that it would be dangerous to chant that phrase at O’Rourke’s rally of leftists.

“They hate Trump much more than they like America,” he said, noting that the left would rather have America fail.

Trump Jr. fired up the crowd by slamming Democrat socialists promoting the “Green New Deal” that would end airline travel, the internal combustion engine, and pay people who were unwilling to work.

“What planet are they on? Because it ain’t earth!” he shouted.

He mocked 2020 Democratic candidates for scrambling to support the socialist plan, as they prepared to challenge Trump.

“We live in a world where common sense ain’t so common anymore,” he said.

He mocked the left and their “media lackeys” for opposing President Donald Trump, and he ripped Virginia Governor Ralph Northam for supporting post-term abortion.

“You know what post-term abortion is right? That means it’s a baby and it’s alive, but we’re going to get rid of it now,” he said. “You have to wonder where their moral compass is, because I don’t think they have one!”

Trump Jr. thanked the Trump supporters in the arena and singled out the young people for praise.

“I know it’s not easy, keep up that fight, bring it to your schools, you don’t have to be indoctrinated by these loser teachers that are trying to sell you on socialism from birth,” he said. “You don’t have to do it, because you can think for yourselves.”

Trump Jr. said he came to Texas just last week to experience “freedom,” despite living in the “People’s republic of New York.”

“That was just fun in the woods with some buddies and some machine guns, but we had a good time anyway,” he said.

Trump Jr. exited the stage to the Rolling Stones song “Time Is on My Side” as the crowd prepared to welcome his father President Donald Trump.