Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), a 2020 Democrat presidential contender, enthusiastically told attendees at a New Hampshire campaign event on Friday that she backs “X” as a third federally recognized gender.

Transgender American Civil Liberties Union organizer Palana Belken posed the question to Gillibrand at an LGBT-focused meet-and-greet in New Hampshire. CBS News reported Belken asked Gillibrand if “X” should be recognized as a third gender for those identifying as “non-binary” at the federal level. Belken applauded Gillibrand’s speedy “yes.”

Belken pointed to transgender New Hampshire State Rep. Gerri Cannon as the source of her question, according to the report. Cannon has pushed state bills to allow “X” on birth certificates and driver’s licenses. A handful of states currently allow the third gender option.

Gillibrand also weighed in Friday in Concord, New Hampshire, on the idea of tearing down border barriers as proposed by 2020 hopeful and failed Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke. “I could look at it and see which part he means and why and if it makes sense, I could support it,” she told reporters according to the Washington Times.

Gillibrand recently concluded her first trip to South Carolina and is hitting Iowa and New Hampshire during the holiday weekend. The Troy Record reported new hires for Gillibrand’s campaign, including a team of strategists. These include Semedrian Smith, Danielle Duffy, Gavrie Kullman, Pat Devney, and Shannon McLeod. Smith worked on Sherrod Brown’s 2018 Senate re-election campaign. Devney has worked as a strategist for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Michelle Moons is a White House Correspondent for Breitbart News — follow on Twitter @MichelleDiana and Facebook.