The freshman class in the House have brought “firsts” to Capitol Hill, including a change of rules to allow Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) to wear a hijab on the House floor and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introducing the controversial Green New Deal resolution that has put socialism in the spotlight.

When Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) was sworn in in January, she was the first to hang a transgender flag outside of her office in the Longworth Office Building.

“When I was sworn in less than three months ago I was the only member of Congress to hang a transgender flag outside of my office,” Wexton said on Thursday at a press conference announcing the passage in the House of a resolution to oppose President Donald Trump’s order that members of the U.S. military must serve according to their biological sex at birth.

“It attracted some attention,” Wexton said. “But I would suggest that all of you go over to any of the office buildings across the street after this press conference and you will see scores of the same flag hanging outside of members’ offices proudly.”

“And I hung the flag not just because this community is under attack from the current administration but because the transgender community are my family and my friends,” said Wexton, who has told reporters she is an aunt to a transgender child.

“And guess what? They’re your family and your friends too,” Wexton said, adding that she believes Trump’s decision is based not on facts but “bigotry” and “hate.”

Media and social media has revealed that other lawmakers are following suit by hanging transgender flags, some in support of the transgenders in the military resolution and also to mark International Transgender Day of Visibility on Sunday.

“I got a message from a mom of a transgender teen in #CA25. She saw my colleagues hanging flags in honor of #TransVisibilityWeek and asked me to do the same — I was proud to say ours is already up,” announced Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA), who ran as a bisexual candidate and is married to a man.

“The halls of Congress are decked out to show our trans community #WontBeErased!” Hill tweeted.

“Today, 238 members of the House passed H.R. 124 condemning the Trump-Pence Administration’s #TransMilitaryBan. Victory Institute extends our deepest gratitude to Members of the Congressional @LGBTEqCaucus and all the dedicated advocates nationwide. #ProtectTransTroops,” the Victory Institute tweeted.

Organizations like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) are promoting the trend on social media.

“The trans flag is proudly & openly displayed next to the Virginia flag outside @RepWexton’s new office! She said to me, “Did you see the flag?! I think we’re the only office on the Hill with one.” To all her volunteers: the flag is there because of you & for you! Change is here!,” Nariss Rahaman, a field organizer for HRC tweeted.

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