President Trump’s job approval ratings currently sits at a robust 53 percent, a full seven points higher than Barack Obama at this same point his presidency.

On April 9, 2011, a little over two years into his first term, 46 percent of those polled by Rasmussen approved of the job Obama was doing, compared to 53 percent who disapproved. That put Barry upside down by seven points.

On the issue of strongly approve and strongly disapprove, Obama was upside down by a whopping 17 points, with only 21 percent strongly approving of the job he’s doing while 38 percent strongly disapproved.

On April 9, 2019, a little over two years into his presidency, 53 percent of those polled by Rasmussen approve of the job Trump is doing, while only 45 percent disapprove. That puts Trump eight points to the good..

On the issue of strongly approve and strongly disapprove, Trump is one point in the black, with 37 percent saying they strongly approve of the job he is doing while 36 percent strongly disapprove.

So not only is Trump’s overall job approval seven points higher than Obama’s was at this same time, Trump is scoring 15 points better (-7 compared to +8) on the question of approve/disapprove and a whopping 18 points better (-17 compared to +1) on the question of strongly approve/strongly disapprove.

Trump’s 53 percent approval rating is his best showing in this poll since the early months of his presidency.

What’s more, after a vast gulf in the negative on the question of strongly approve/disapprove — sometimes by double digits — Trump has finally narrowed that number in his favor. As recently as March 19 he was upside down on that particular question by ten points.

On the Real Clear Politics (RCP) poll of polls, Trump enjoys a pretty healthy 44 percent average approval rating. At this same time in the RCP poll of polls, Obama enjoyed a 47 percent average approval.

Undoubtedly, the debunking of the media’s two-year Russia Collusion Hoax has allowed a number of voters to exhale on the issue, to judge the president on his actual accomplishments as opposed to the phony lies peddled by the corporate media since Trump astonishing upset over Hillary Clinton in 2016.

The whole idea behind the media’s Russia Collusion Hoax was to not allow Trump to be seen as president, as presidential, and most of all, to never allow him to be seen as legitimate. The media and Democrats were desperate, not only to overturn the election using lies peddled by the corrupt F.B.I. and the even more corrupt intelligence community, but to ensure a cloud forever hung over Trump and by extension, his agenda.

The removal of this cloud, especially by a dirty cop like Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who was obviously out to get Trump by any means necessary, now allows the public to see Trump as what he truly is: a duly elected president of the United States, the legitimate leader of our country.

We will always be a polarized country, which means — barring a 9/11 type event — Trump’s approval rating, like Obama’s before him, will never break far from 50 percent, but everything now is about re-election, and with the Russia Hoax debunked, Trump is a now a legitimate president who will be judged like any other president come time for re-election: the economy, the economy, the economy.

Rasmussen was one of the most accurate pollsters of the 2016 presidential election.

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