March for Life President Jeanne Mancini joined SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday and celebrated the many pro-life victories that are currently taking place across America.

“It’s a very interesting time,” Mancini told Breitbart News Washington Political Editor Matt Boyle. “Overall, I would say that this is reflecting a cultural shift, essentially in understanding the humanity of the unborn and largely that has to do with science and technology showcasing the baby at earlier and earlier stages of development, showing the heartbeat at six weeks, etc.”

She added, “When you are pro-abortion and you are for taking the life of a child, it gets harder and harder to logically explain that away when you can see and hear a heartbeat.”


Mancini also said the ultimate goal of the pro-life movement is “changing hearts and minds so that people don’t want to get abortions, that abortion becomes unthinkable in our culture. To see such a public opinion shift on this in such a short period of time speaks to the overreach of the Left on this.”

“I think that President Trump made promises going into the 2016 election on this issue, and he has kept his promises and that has made the Left mad,” Mancini stated. “We’ve seen all 20 plus Democratic candidates come out strongly pro-abortion. I don’t even think any of them is in favor of the Hyde Amendment, which until recently was considered bipartisan.”

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern.

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