A growing number of Democrat 2020 candidates are describing former Vice President Joe Biden as a “disaster waiting to happen” if he is chosen to represent Democrats as the front runner in the 2020 presidential election.

Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-AK), one of the few 2020 candidates who did not go to the South Carolina Democratic Convention this weekend, did not hold back his criticism of Biden while others attending the convention remained more restrained in their remarks.

Gravel called Biden “unchanging, unapologetic, and unaware,” referencing the former vice president’s recent comments on working with segregationist Democrats in the 1970s.

The former Alaska senator also called the former vice president “a disaster” and voiced his desire for a “serious progressive” to take the White House in 2020.

Other Democrats off the campaign trail, including Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) member Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL), called Biden “woefully ignorant of the black American experience.”

Biden spent Thursday of this week off the campaign trail after he praised the “civility” of known segregationists working in the Senate back when he served as a senator.

His remarks brought ire from many Democrats who said he would not be the candidate who would bring the country together.