The Job Creators network dropped a massive billboard in Des Moines, Iowa, targeting Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) over her campaign pledge to abolish private health insurance in favor of a government-run plan.

When asked by Democratic presidential primary debate moderator Lester Holt to raise their hands if they would eliminate private health insurance if elected president, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and Warren did so.

“I’m with Bernie on Medicare for All,” Warren said from the stage, siding with the socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT), who has long-championed a Medicare for all healthcare system in America.

“It’s appalling that Elizabeth Warren gleefully raised her hand and proudly endorsed killing private health insurance for 200 million Americans. The Democrats have come a long way when it comes to healthcare,” Alfredo Ortiz, Job Creators Network President and CEO, said in a statement. “President Obama famously promised ‘If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.’ But Warren and many other Democrats are promising a complete government takeover of America’s healthcare industry. We’re not letting Warren off the hook. With the Iowa caucuses just months away, we want everyone in that state to know that ‘Medicare of All’ is a scam for all.”

Indeed, as Breitbart News’ John Nolte noted, “surveys show that more than 100 million Americans, upwards of 71 percent, are ‘satisfied with their current employer-provided health coverage.'”

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