President Trump on Wednesday morning tweeted out recent remarks by Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) about the so-called “Squad” of freshmen House Democrats.

“In America, if you hate our Country, you are free to leave. The simple fact of the matter is, the four Congresswomen think that America is wicked in its origins, they think that America is even more wicked now, that we are all racist and evil. They’re entitled to their opinion, they’re Americans,” Trump cited Kennedy as saying.

Trump tweeted:

Now I’m entitled to my opinion, & I just think they’re left wing cranks. They’re the reason there are directions on a shampoo bottle, & we should ignore them. The “squad” has moved the Democrat Party substantially LEFT, and they are destroying the Democrat Party. I’m appalled that so many of our Presidential candidates are falling all over themselves to try to agree with the four horsewomen of the apocalypse. I’m entitled to say that they’re Wack Jobs. Louisiana Senator John Kennedy.

Democrats have rallied around the “Squad” — Democrat Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Ilhan Omar (MN), Ayanna Pressley (MA), and Rashida Tlaib (MI) — in recent days, after the president tweeted they should “go back” and fix their countries of origin instead of complaining about how the U.S. is run.

On Wednesday, Democrats and four Republicans in the House passed a resolution condemning Trump’s tweets.

His tweets came after members of the “Squad” got into a heated back-and-forth with House Democrat leadership, in which Ocasio-Cortez attacked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for “singling out” women of color and Pressley attacked fellow minority members of the House for not representing other minorities.

Omar in recent weeks and days has continued to slam America as unjust and hypocritical, although she has begun to caveat her remarks by adding that she criticizes America because she loves it so much. At a weekend conference, she recently stated, “We export American exceptionalism — the great America, the land of liberty and justice. That is, you ask anybody walking on the side of the street somewhere in the middle of the world, they will tell you, ‘America the great.’ But we don’t live those values here. And so that hypocrisy is one that I’m bothered by. I want America the great to be America the great.”