A crying baby startled Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) during a campaign stop in New Hampshire on Tuesday, causing the presidential candidate to halt his remarks and ask the child’s parents to “keep that down.”

The video surfaced on social media Wednesday, showing Sanders interacting with a crowd at a town hall event at the Circle 9 Ranch Campground in Epsom, New Hampshire. At one point during his remarks, a baby screeched, startling Sanders and prompting him to address the interruption.

“Would you keep that down a little bit?” Sanders asked, motioning to the direction of the child and pausing a few seconds before continuing his remarks:

As Breitbart News reported, Sanders – who is not the type of politician to hold and kiss babies for photo ops – has lost some of his previous supporters to his ideological ally, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). That is due, in part, to what they consider his less-than-cheerful attitude:

Sanders’ infamously angry ambiance is not resonating with voters as well this time around, according to the Washington Post, which highlighted the “overall dynamics” shift in this election cycle.

“I just feel Warren has more of a better understanding of it all,” former Sanders supporter Jonathan Eren told the Washington Post.

“He brings it from ‘I’m gonna yell about it, and I’m angry,’” Andrew Bauld, another former Sanders supporter said. “Senator Warren has similar ideas but brings it in an exciting package.”

Despite that, Sanders is still a top-tier candidate, teetering between second and third place in the crowded Democrat field, according to recent polls.