A “Whxyte Wedding” bridal fashion show featuring all transgender models is scheduled Saturday in Denver, Colorado.

The event, which touts its slogan as “inspiring inclusion,” will be held at History Colorado Center and will feature transgender Colorado state Rep. Brianna Titone as a participant.

“This is something very exciting for me,” Titone said, according to CBS4 News. “It’s kind of a dream come true.”

The “Whxyte Wedding” website boasts the event will be “Denver’s first all transgender bridal fashion show with delectable designs by Denver’s trendiest designers, including two who have recently shown at New York and London Fashion Weeks.”

“The models will be highlighted in exquisite wedding gowns to illuminate their beauty and illustrate their respective unique story,” the description continues.

Professional models are instructing the transgender individuals on how to walk down the runway, states the news report.

“It’s just opening a door that hasn’t been opened before and we’re walking through it,” said Heather Dyamond, who is in charge of planning the event. “I’m just so glad to see that we’re finally getting to this point that we can show all these women for who they really are and the whole community for what we really are.”

The event’s website says the show will also feature food and dancing, and a “wedding ceremony celebrating a transgender woman and her wife renewing their vows!”

Ted Talk speaker and LGBT activist Dr. Paula Stone Williams is among those headlining the event.

Proceeds from the transgender show will, in part, benefit nonprofit Hana’s Hope, which plans to donate to charities that support transgender causes.

“Join us for a [sic] evening and celebration of gender diversity,” the event’s website invites.

Planet Transgender explained in a Facebook post the term “white wedding” is “a hetero cis normative affair where ‘white’ is celebrated as a monied privilege.”

“‘Whxyte Wedding’ is possibly a double entendre substituting chromosomal XY for the I, hence this fundraiser being introduced as the ‘most unconventional bridal fashion show ever,’” the post continued.