President Donald Trump met with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg at the White House on Thursday as part of the tech mogul’s personal lobbying swing through Washington, DC.

Trump revealed the meeting on Twitter and Facebook after it happened, despite it not being on his public schedule.

The meeting was “constructive,” according to a Facebook spokesperson.

“Mark is in Washington, D.C., meeting with policymakers to hear their concerns and talk about future Internet regulation,” a spokesperson told Axios. “He also had a good, constructive meeting with President Trump at the White House today.”

Zuckerberg is floating concepts for Internet regulation, as Facebook faces stiff bipartisan criticism of their social media dominance and self-regulation.

The tech mogul met with several members of Congress on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, even participating in a dinner with several senators. The dinner was organized by Sen. Mark Warner at Facebook’s request, according to Fox Business.

Trump has expressed concerns about big tech companies and social media, as his supporters have loudly protested the unfair bias behind their business and censorship decisions.

“What they’re doing is wrong and possibly illegal,” Trump told Fox News host Tucker Carlson about tech companies such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter during an interview.

“There are a lot of people that want us to take action against Facebook, against Twitter, and frankly against Amazon, a lot of people want us to take action,” he added.

The president also believes that the top tech companies in the United States specifically work to get Democrats elected.

“Actually it’s incredible that I won the election because, you know, it was so rigged against me,” he said during an exclusive interview with Breitbart News in March. “It wasn’t Russians. Russia collusion was a delusion. But what there is, is there was collusion between the Democrats and these tech companies.”

But Trump has largely resisted advocating for specific legislation to regulate the tech companies.

“You fight it by just being good,” he said. “You got to be really good. It’s much harder for a conservative Republican to win than it is for a liberal Democrat.”