Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) this week proclaimed that his ideas are not “far-left,” arguing that they are, in fact, what the “American people want.”

A clip surfaced on social media on Saturday featuring the socialist senator telling a crowd in Iowa that his proposals – which include Medicare for All, “free” college, and excessive taxation – are not “far-left.” Rather, they are “ideas that the American people want.”

While it is true that Democrats tend to support policies such as Medicare for All, that support does not necessarily translate to the general public.

A Locust Street Group survey, commissioned by the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future in August, found that the majority of American voters, 64 percent, were not willing to pay more in taxes in exchange for Medicare for All – a proposal Sanders adamantly supports. Unlike his rival Elizabeth Warren, Sanders has openly admitted that his plan will require the middle class to pay more in taxes.

Sanders announced on Friday that far-left “Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) will join him in Iowa to stump for the Green New Deal next weekend:

The presidential hopeful unveiled his own climate change proposal in August, which featured a $16 trillion price tag.