House Judiciary Committee Democrat counsel Barry Berke invoked his young son as he began his opening statement in the House Judiciary Committee’s second impeachment inquiry hearing.

“Before I had the great honor of being a counsel for this committee, my young son asked me a question. He said, ‘Dad, does the president have to be a good person? Like many questions by young children, it had a certain clarity, but it was hard to answer,” he began.

“I said, ‘Son, it is not a requirement that the president be a good person, but that is the hope,'” he continued.

He then launched into a 30-minute diatribe against President Trump, accusing him of putting his personal political interest ahead of the country.

The moment did not escape mocking on social media.

Conservative journalist Jason Howerton mocked Berke’s invocation of his son:

Berke was the Democrats’ first witness at the hearing, where both Democrat and Republican counsels for the House’s impeachment inquiry were scheduled to present their findings. He later invoked his son at least one more time.

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