CNN appears to be taking the word of a Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), a candidate who has a history of fabricating key details of her life, and a point that boiled over after moderators of Tuesday’s debate demonstrated a clear bias against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

The network came under fire Tuesday night after moderators demonstratively favored Warren over Sanders, repeatedly, during the Democrat debate in Iowa. It hit a boiling point after CNN’s Abby Phillip posed Sanders’ alleged comments, about a woman not being able to win the presidency, as fact.

CNN broke the story, which alleged that Sanders told Warren during a private meeting in 2018 that a woman could not win the presidency, a day ahead of the debate. He vehemently denied the allegation, calling it “ludicrous,” but Warren released a statement affirming the claim made in CNN’s report.

“Among the topics that came up was what would happen if Democrats nominated a female candidate. I thought a woman could win; he disagreed,” Warren said, reverting the story back to a political version of “he said, she said.”

CNN’s bias reached a tipping point when Phillip posed the report as fact, right after Sanders denied it.

“Warren, what did you think when Sanders said a woman couldn’t win the election?” Phillip asked Warren.

“I disagreed,” the Massachusetts senator responded, accepting the framing of the demonstratively biased question. “Bernie is my friend, and I am not here to try to fight with Bernie.”

The bias snowballed throughout the evening, with moderators grilling Sanders on the cost of his proposals but largely failing to do the same to Warren, who has embraced similar big government ideas accompanied by costly plans. The phenomenon gave Sanders supporters and surrogates flashbacks of the treatment Sanders received at the hands of the media and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in 2016, which were in cahoots with Hillary Clinton’s campaign. This time around, CNN is taking the word of a woman who has a documented history of issuing falsities.

Perhaps the biggest falsity touted by Warren was, of course, her claims of Native American heritage — claims she held on to until fairly recently. The Massachusetts senator held on to the narrative throughout her career, even listing herself as a Native American on her 1986 Texas Bar registration card. Harvard Law School News Director Mike Chmura also bragged about Warren’s status as the “first woman of color” tenured at Harvard Law — a fact that calls into question Warren’s claims that she did not benefit from her false claims. She held on to her false Native American identity throughout her 2012 senatorial bid, telling a reporter in 2012 that she had “plenty of pictures” proving her claims of Native American ancestry, but refusing to show them.

Warren frequently told the story of her parents’ relationship in order to prove her ancestry claims, telling the story of her father’s parents’ supposed prejudice against her mother, who was part Cherokee and Delaware, according to Warren. She also once attributed her claims, in part, to her grandfather, who had “high cheekbones like all of the Indians do.”

A DNA test taken in 2018, however, showed Warren only possessing between 1/64th and 1/1,024, or 0.1 percent to 1.56, of percent Native lineage. The amount was far below the minimum requirement to claim membership in Native American tribes, effectively ending her claims of Cherokee heritage, specifically.

She has since faced questions over her false claims on the campaign trail and has admitted that she is not a “person of color.”

“I shouldn’t have done it. I am not a person of color, I am not a citizen of a tribe,” Warren said during a New Hampshire town hall in December.

“And I have apologized for the confusion I have caused on tribal citizenship, tribal sovereignty, and for any harm I have caused,” she added:

“Like anyone who’s been honest with themselves, I know that I have made mistakes,” Warren said during an appearance at the Native American Presidential Forum in Sioux City, Iowa. “I am sorry for harm I have caused.”

Her claims of Native American heritage were just the tip of the iceberg in regards to Warren’s complicated history of embellishing the truth.

She was recently accused of lying to a school choice supporter after she told the woman that her children went to public schools. Warren, however, failed to tell the woman that her son did, in fact, attend a private school as well:

Warren’s campaign confirmed that her son went to private school – a private school that currently costs roughly $15,000 per year. “According to the Austin American-Statesman, Kirby Hall’s tuition was $4,700 a year in 1995, the earliest record of the school’s tuition costs reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon,” the outlet reported.

“Elizabeth’s daughter went to public school. Her son went to public school until 5th grade,” Warren communications director Kristen Orthman said in a statement to both Free Beacon and Fox News.

She also found herself surrounded by controversy after evidence emerged that suggested she lied about being fired from her job teaching special needs children at a public school due to being “visibly pregnant.”

She claimed during a town hall meeting in August:

Back me up on this: teaching special needs is not a job, it’s a calling. And I loved it. I truly loved it. I still can remember the faces — I had little ones. Still remember their faces. And I probably would still be doing that work today, only my story has some more twists and turns. And here’s how the next twist goes. By the end of my first year in teaching, I was visibly pregnant. And the principal did what principals did in those days: wished me luck and hired someone else for the job.

In a video from 2007, however, Warren told a vastly different story:

And my first year of post graduation, I worked — it was within a public school system, but I worked with the children with disabilities. And I did that for a year. And then that summer — I actually didn’t have the education courses, so I was on an “emergency certificate,” it was called. And I went back to graduate school, and took a couple of courses in education, and said, “I don’t think this is going to work out for me.” And I was pregnant with my first baby, so I had a baby, and I stayed home for a couple of years, and I was really casting about, thinking what am I going to do.

Moreover, county records ultimately showed that she resigned and indicated that she had been unanimously approved for another year.

Waren has also faced scrutiny over her past acceptance of billionaires and big fundraisers, which she embraced throughout the course of her political career. She received support from at least 30 billionaires over her political career, despite painting them as the enemy in her current presidential bid.

Additionally, Warren “reportedly used $10.4 million in leftover funds from her 2018 senatorial bid to cushion her current campaign,” as Breitbart News detailed, leaving some of her former donors crying hypocrisy:

During the course of her senatorial campaign, Warren happily attended fundraisers and accepted money from big donors, sparking questions surrounding her newfound commitment to keep big donors out of politics.

Despite a campaign mired with controversy, CNN appears to be taking the word of Warren — a candidate with a history of fabricating key aspects of her life — over Sanders. The network’s decision is creating an even greater divide between the two candidates, who were long considered ideological similars and pals, even, and their supporters.

Warren’s refusal to shake Sanders’ hand at the conclusion of the debate was almost emblematic of the growing hostilities between their respective supporters, as well as between Sanders’ base and the DNC and establishment media.