Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) claimed during her 2006 Senate run “no one wants abortions” and said the procedure should be “rare.”

Klobuchar noted she was pro-choice in the 2006 interview, but welcomed the endorsement of pro-life Democrat Rep. James Oberstar, one of the main supporters of the original Hyde Amendment.

“There are plenty of pro-life Democrats and I’m pleased to have the support of Congressman Oberstar and others,” Klobuchar said. “And we need to talk about reducing the number of abortions and making them safe, but making them rare. And there is common ground on encouraging adoption, reducing abortions.”

“I mean, no one wants abortions,” Klobuchar added. “Everyone wants to reduce the number of abortions, it’s just that people haven’t been talking about it that way. I know I’ve been talking about it that way since I started as an elected official.”

The Hyde Amendment, which bans taxpayer funding for abortions, has been dismissed by the majority of modern-day Democrats. Last June, former Vice President Joe Biden, who had been a supporter of the Hyde Amendment, was forced to flip positions after outrage from his party.

A spokesperson for the Klobuchar campaign defended her pro-choice record in a statement to Fox News.

“Senator Klobuchar has been unwavering in her support of a woman’s right to choose,” the spokesperson said. “It’s why she’s earned 100% lifetime ratings from both Planned Parenthood Action Fund and NARAL and had the support of national pro-choice organizations in every Senate campaign she’s run.”