President Donald Trump ridiculed the Oscars ceremony on Thursday, criticizing actor Brad Pitt and the Academy for awarding the movie Parasite the Best Picture Oscar.

“Then you have Brad Pitt, I was never a big fan of his, he got up, said a little wise guy statement,” Trump said, recalling the 2020 Oscar ceremonies.

After winning the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in the 2020 ceremony, Pitt criticized Senate Republicans in his speech for voting against hearing additional testimony in Trump’s impeachment trial.

“They told me only have 45 seconds up here, which is 45 seconds more than the Senate gave John Bolton this week,” said. “I’m thinking maybe Quentin does a movie about it. In the end, the adults do the right thing.”

Trump commented on the Oscars at a campaign rally in Colorado Springs on Thursday night, indicating that he was not a fan of the ceremony which recorded a new all-time ratings low.

“By the way how bad were the Academy Awards this year, did you see it?” he asked.

Trump expressed surprise that the Oscars gave the Best Picture award to Parasite, a South Korean film.

“What the hell was that all about?” he asked. “We got enough problems with South Korea with trade, on top of it they give them the best movie of the year? Was it good? I don’t know.”

Trump said he would rather return to films like Gone with the Wind or Sunset Boulevard.

“I thought it was best foreign film right?” he asked, recalling Parasite being announced from the stage. “Did this ever happen before?”