A national parents’ organization that grew out of the uprising against the Common Core State Standards is releasing a documentary that seeks to expose the “lies and government schemes” intended to keep education decision-making with the federal government and out of the hands of parents in local communities.

United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) has produced Truth and Lies in American Education, a film focused on what the coalition of parents says is “the scheme behind the workforce development model of education and liberal indoctrination of children in government schools.”

The parents’ coalition hopes the film will “inform Americans of the trillions of dollars wasted on federal education in the last 40 years with nothing to show for it but stagnant test scores and declining student academic achievement.”

USPIE states about its project:

Serious conversations are happening throughout the country about the legitimate and effective role of the federal government in education. Many on both sides of the political aisle agree the federal government has become unreasonably intrusive and ineffective in education policy and practice. State leaders from around the country fed up with being ignored on education policy, have joined forces to abolish the US Department of Education (USED) and put an end to all federal education mandates. It is the goal of USPIE to return America’s education to its proper local roots and restore parental authority over their children’s education.

The film follows USPIE Communications Director April Few, mother of a preschooler, who sets out to learn about public education as she meets with authors and education analysts about the state of American education.

The documentary’s cast includes international journalist and author Alex Newman; actress, filmmaker, and home education advocate Sam Sorbo; Karen England, executive director of Nevada Family Alliance; Dr. Mary Grabar, author of Debunking Howard Zinn; Alabama State Board of Education member Stephanie Bell; Dr. Duke Pesta, academic director of FreedomProject Academy; attorney and writer Jane Robbins; and Vernadette Broyles, president and general counsel of Child & Parental Rights Campaign, Inc.

Topics covered in the documentary include how Common Core became embedded in most schools across the nation; children are learning revisionist American history; the focus on teaching children how to be political activists; comprehensive sex education; indoctrination by LGBTQ rights groups in schools; and the concept of “workforce development” that even the Trump administration has embraced.

“USPIE’s primary mission is to end the U.S. Department of Education and all federal education mandates and to return local, community, and parental control of education,” the group’s leadership team said in a statement sent to Breitbart News. “Therefore, USPIE is opposed to all federally-regulated choice options, including President Trump’s proposed Opportunity Scholarship Program.”

The group, however, supports a parent option of increasing the federal Child Tax Credit for those families who do not choose to enroll their children in government schools. USPIE supports similar tax credits that might come from state governments.

“Even if not initially, all other parental choice options directed by government have the potential to become regulated and tied to the federal government’s Common Core workforce development,” the group warns.