President Donald Trump on Wednesday admitted at the White House that he was taking his own precautions to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

“I haven’t touched my face in weeks,” he said. “In weeks. I miss it.”

Coronavirus task force leader Dr. Deborah Birx encouraged everyone to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap or using hand sanitizers.

The president met with airline executives at the White House to discuss the precautions they were taking to prevent the spread of the virus and keep customers and crew members safe.

“I think where these people are flying, it’s safe to fly,” Trump said.

The president said that he ended the Federal Drug Administration’s restrictions on developing testing kits, allowing more laboratories to develop the medical tests without filing with the FDA.

“The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we are doing, and we undid that decision a few days ago,” Trump said.

CDC doctor Bob Redfield praised Trump for removing the restriction.

“It’s, really, very important,” he said. “It’s what’s changed the availability of testing overnight.”

Trump appeared satisfied with the government efforts to contain the virus and even signaled appreciation to the media.

“We’ve all done a very good job all of us,” he said. “And I think, for the most part, the media has really treated us very fairly, which I appreciate.  I think it’s very important.”