Every year on Good Friday the Pro-Life Action League hosts “Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion,” a prayer service held outside abortion facilities across the nation. The coronavirus could have marked the end of a longtime tradition, but thanks to technology, people can take part beginning at 10 a.m. central time through a livestream on the league’s Facebook page.

Eric Scheidler, executive director of the league, and his family will pray outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in their hometown of Aurora, Illinois.

“I consider this to be a particularly important moment to hold an event like this,” Scheidler told Breitbart News. “If the coronavirus pandemic has taught us anything, it’s how utterly dependent we all are on one another.”

“I want to make this period of separation an opportunity for pro-life Americans to deepen our solidarity with the most dependent of all, our unborn brothers and sisters,” Scheidler said.

“This solidarity compels us not to abandon them, but continue — with care and safety — to reach out and offer Easter hope at abortion facilities, both on Good Friday and in the days to come,” Scheidler said.

Scheidler said local leaders in other cities have modified their plans. 

“Some are inviting participants to come out and stay in their cars for the prayers,” Scheidler said. “Others are having people come out in small household groups as staggered times throughout the day.”

Scheidler told Breitbart News that local police are notified of prayer services being held outside abortion clinics.

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