Rioters in Brooklyn, New York, rocked and threw a molotov cocktail at a police van abandoned in the middle of a street until it caught on fire, according to a livestreamed video.

“Let it burn!” one protester yelled.

Rioters had blocked off the street, but after the van was set afire, police and firefighters broke through the barricade and put the fire out.

“It has turned completely crazy,” the narrator said. “People are angry.”


After the firefighters left, another protester hung an American flag out of the window of the van and began to burn it, trying to set the van on fire again to cheers.

A group of firefighters and police later returned, breaking through the barrier again.

“Back the f*ck off!” a protester could be heard yelling.

Riots broke out across the nation after the death of George Floyd, after a police officer in Minneapolis knelt on his neck.

The riots follow days of protests in Minneapolis and have now spread to cities across New York and California, Atlanta, and Washington, DC.


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