Vice President Mike Pence fell on Tuesday as he climbed the stairs to board Air Force Two for a trip to Wisconsin.

The vice president arrived at the airport with his entourage and as he jogged up the stairs he slipped and fell on his hands and knees.

Undeterred, Pence bounced back up and gave the press a wave and a thumbs-up before boarding the plane.

Video of Pence’s stumble and fall quickly made it’s way on social media.

Pence’s fall took place after social media went wild speculating on President Donald Trump’s health after the president cautiously descended a ramp from a stage at a commencement ceremony at West Point. The president blamed his leather-soled shoes for making the ramp very slippery.

The president spoke at length about the dangers of a leader falling in public during his campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

“I can’t fall with the fake news watching,” he told the crowd, recalling “slow-motion replays” in the news after former President Gerald Ford tripped and fell down the stairs while exiting Air Force One and former President H.W. Bush puking in Japan.

The president also previously criticized President Barack Obama for bounding up and down the stairs while boarding and exiting Air Force One.

“Doesn’t look presidential and at some point, he will take a fall,” he wrote in 2014.