Joe Biden (D) and President Trump are statistically tied in Ohio, a Quinnipiac Poll released Wednesday revealed.

The survey, taken June 18-22 among 1,139 self-identified registered voters, showed the former vice president leading Trump by a single percentage point  — 46 percent to 45 percent. His narrow lead is well within the survey’s +/- 2.9 percent margin of error.

Independent voters in the Buckeye State also prefer the president by a greater margin, with 44 percent choosing Trump and 40 percent selecting Biden:

According to Quinnipiac:

There are wide gender, race, and education gaps. Women go to Biden by 16 points, 53 – 37 percent, while men go to Trump also by 16 points, 54 – 38 percent. Biden leads among Black voters 81 – 8 percent, while Trump leads among white voters 50 – 42 percent. Biden leads among white voters with a college degree by 21 points, 57 – 36 percent, while Trump also leads by the same 21-point margin among white voters without a college degree, 56 – 35 percent.

Biden gets a mixed favorability rating as 42 percent of voters have a favorable opinion of him, while 45 percent have an unfavorable one. Trump’s favorability rating is underwater, as 43 percent have a favorable opinion of him and 53 percent have an unfavorable one.

The survey also showed Trump leading by double digits on the economy, 53 percent to Biden’s 43 percent. However, Biden leads by four points on “handling a crisis,” five points on a coronavirus response, eight percent on health care, and 16 percent on race relations.

“You have to go back 60 years to find an election where Ohio was NOT a lynchpin or a pathway to the presidency. That is why this very close horse race is so deeply consequential,” Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy said.

President Trump won Ohio in 2016 by just over eight percentage points.

The survey coincides with recent national polls giving Biden a double-digit advantage nationally. Thursday’s RealClearPolitics average had Biden up by 10 percent. Notably, several national polls also showed Hillary Clinton up — in some cases, by double digits — in June 2016 as well.