A church in Rocklin, California, held services on Sunday in defiance of California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D) shutdown order barring houses of worship holding indoor gatherings.

Destiny Christian Church pastor Greg Fairrington told KTXL that he lead three services with 375 parishioners, filing 25 percent of the church that has a capacity of 1,500 people.

“Church is essential. It is essential to our society, and people are hurting. They’re devastated,” Fairrington told the local news outlet.

During his firey sermon, Fairrington told members that the church is on a mission to combat the state’s order to prevent gatherings in houses of worship. Fairrington declared:

Here we are in this moment right now, and I believe that God is giving this church in this moment a greater anointing than we have ever had before. I believe that God is giving us an apostolic influence in this region. … I believe our call is to get the church ready for an outpouring, to get the church ready for an awakening. But God is giving us right now in this moment a rude awakening before he gives us the great awakening, and for some reason God is using Destiny as a hub.

“It’s awesome to be outdoors worshiping with you,” he added. “It’s also awesome to be indoors worshiping together and all of you online. We have gotten letters all week, emails, encouraging us all around our nation, and I know there are people watching all around the world.”