A member of Twitter’s Blue Checkmark Elite is bragging about forcing her kids to live outside to protect herself from the coronavirus.

Although she has only 5,312 followers, and only because she holds the “correct” thoughts and ideas, Twitter verified Sarah Nadav’s account. She identifies as a “behavioral Economist, Fintech Entrepreneur, Startup adviser” and is now bragging about forcing her 13-year-old and 15 year-old to live outside in a tent to protect herself from the coronavirus.

“My kids got potentially exposed to COVID-19, there is no proper room to quarantine in the house so I got creative and they are camping in the yard. Is this brilliant or ridiculous?”

Included in the tweet is a photo of the camp Mommie Dearest set up for her children, which looks like something you would see on the crowded, homeless streets of Nancy Pelosi’s congressional district.

She adds that “they pee outside … in a massive field behind the house” which sounds like trespassing and every bit as unhealthy as any virus.

She adds that she does “let the kids come in with masks on to use the bathroom,” so presumably they are not defecating outside.

Nadav admits she is taking this drastic and paranoid action (I’ll explain how paranoid in a bit) to protect herself from the virus, but that her act of self-preservation is actually on behalf of her children.

“You know,” she tweeted, “as a parent- you have an obligation to stay healthy FOR THEM. They might get a light case, but you might die. I made this decision because my kids need me to stay well for them.”

Fair enough, so why doesn’t Mommie Dearest move into the tent and pee in a field? Why isn’t Mommie Dearest making the sacrifice for the sake of the children?

Why not spring for a hotel or stay with a friend?

She says her teens’ bedroom doesn’t work “for quarantine for a number of random reasons[.]” So out you two go!

You might argue that kids love to camp. Well, sure, but not for 14 days in your own backyard… Fourteen days of sleeping outside in the heat (she lives in Tel Aviv). That gets old real fast.

Some friends of mine dealt with this after mom caught the virus. The experts told her family of four that living together was no problem as long as everyone slept in separate beds and surfaces were cleaned regularly. After 14 days, no one else got sick and mom was mostly asymptomatic.

As far as the paranoia, get this…

The kids have not been diagnosed with the coronavirus. The kids did not even come into contact with someone who has the coronavirus. No, the kids “were exposed to their Aunt, who was exposed to a 5 year old who tested positive.”

Oh, okay.

She says the kids are happy and healthy, and I believe that, but that changes nothing about how absurd this all is, especially when Mommie Dearest is probably under 50, which means the virus is no more a threat to her than the conventional flu.

But these are our hideous elites folks — anti-science, virtue-signaling lunatics who use social media to brag about their stupid and selfish behavior, complete with photographs.