Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes spoke at the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Thursday evening, where he proclaimed that “President Trump is a warrior against human trafficking.”

“Young girls and women sold into sex slavery. Young boys and men forced into labor servitude. Illegal adoptions. Organ harvesting. Human life, utterly debased,” said Reyes at the RNC.

“President Donald Trump is a warrior against human trafficking,” he added. “How do I know? Early in 2017, I had occasion to visit with him about our rescues.”

The Utah attorney general added that the president has “expressed deep concern for victims,” and “overwhelmed with compassion, he promised to fight this evil.”

Reyes added that he, too, has channeled his “warrior roots by battling human trafficking.”

“I’m a proud American and proud descendant of warriors — women and men alike — from my Hawaiian, Filipino, Japanese, and Spanish ancestry,” he said.

“My father demonstrated his warrior spirit over 50 years ago fighting a dictator in his homeland — the Philippines. Barely escaping with his life, he started anew in America,” continued Reyes.

“I’ve led some of the largest trafficking prosecutions in America and traveled to foreign countries, working with law enforcement and NGOs to rescue people from the most brutal conditions imaginable,” he added.

Reyes also mentioned that the president summoned first daughter Ivanka Trump and other leaders from his Cabinet to “direct resources and hundreds of millions of dollars for raising awareness, liberating victims, prosecuting predators, and empowering survivors.”

“Together, they’ve done more to combat human trafficking than any administration in modern history,” proclaimed Reyes. “That’s a promise kept.”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, on Parler at @alana, and on Instagram.