A 33-year-old California man is in police custody after allegedly attacking several supporters of President Donald Trump during a Pro-Trump rally in Aliso Viejo.

“He took his hand way back like he was going to punch me, and [he] hit me right across the face,” 84-year-old Donna Snow recounted in an interview with CBS Los Angeles.

“Broke my earrings off,” she added.

CBS Los Angeles reports:

According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, a retired police officer then got involved and pulled his gun as the man attempted to run from the scene. Another person at the rally was knocked to the ground by the man while trying to help others, and a third victim was taken to a local hospital with a neck injury.

According to the sheriff’s office, Alvin Gary Shaw was taken into custody on suspicion of elder abuse, assault with a deadly weapon and assault and battery after allegedly attacking three people in attendance. Officials said Shaw was armed with a knife, which deputies said they found in a nearby bush, and was fighting with Trump supporters.

The alleged incident is the latest in a long line of attacks on Trump supporters.

Two women were recently accused of stealing a “Make America Great Again” hat from a young boy and destroying his pro-Trump signs outside of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Wilmington, Delaware.

The women, Camryn Amy and Olivia Winslow, were arrested earlier this month and charged with robbery, conspiracy, and endangering the welfare of a child.

Footage of the incident was first posted to social media by Students for Trump.

On September 2nd, Boulder Police Department launched an investigation into a report that a woman assaulted a 12-year-old boy for having a yard sign in support of President rump.

Breitbart News’ John Nolte has compiled 639 acts of violence and harassment against Trump supporters.