NBC’s Monday night town hall featuring 2020 Democrat nominee Joe Biden had a lot of “undecided voters” that had already made up their minds regarding the former vice president.

Of the roughly 11 voters who were allowed to ask questions, one was “leaning” towards Biden, another was a “registered Republican” who was leaning towards Biden, and yet another was a former registered Republican who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Another voter also voted for Clinton in 2016 but also had a history of voting for Republicans. None of the voters were described as supporting President Donald Trump or “leaning” towards voting for him.

All of their questions were focused on what Biden planned to do as president instead of tough questions that challenged his record as a politician who served 36 years in the Senate and eight years as former President Barack Obama’s vice president.

Critics took notice of the unstimulating exchange Monday night.

“NBC’s town hall with Joe Biden & ‘undecided voters’ in Miami didn’t seem to have undecided voters. Nor was it much of a Miami town hall, which would have way more yelling & pointed questions. It was a TV show that doubled as a Biden infomercial. Can’t blame him for doing it,” Politico reporter Marc Caputo tweeted:

“The townhall questions for Biden are pretty underwhelming thus far,” McClatchy political correspondent David Catanese tweeted:

The town hall was also a flop in the television ratings, being beaten by NFL football on CBS and Dancing with the Stars on ABC, Deadline reported.

Last month, CNN also received some pushback for hosting a Biden-friendly town hall while Trump was grilled at a similar town hall event on ABC.