Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden touted Wall Street’s support for his candidacy against President Trump at Thursday night’s presidential debate in Nashville, Tennessee.

“Right now, by the way, Wall Street firms indicated that my plan, my plan will in fact create 18.6 million jobs — seven million more than his. This is from Wall Street,” Biden said. “And I’ll create $1 trillion in economic growth than his proposal does.”

Wall Street, and specifically Goldman Sachs, is bankrolling Biden’s campaign to defeat Trump’s economic nationalist agenda on November 3.

A recent CNBC analysis revealed Wall Street has donated more than $50 million to Biden’s campaign this election cycle, and CNN has noted that “all the big banks” are backing Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).

Most recently, Biden accepted a $200,000 donation from a former Goldman Sachs executive who profited from the housing crash. Likewise, Biden has taken nearly 200 contributions from employees at Goldman Sachs — including contributions of nearly $50,000 to $55,000 from the bank’s top executives.

Biden has repeatedly touted Wall Street’s support for him. This month, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Biden told voters of Wall Street’s support for him because they believe he will grow GDP.

In September, Biden revealed that Wall Street investors are hugely supportive of his housing plan that seeks to remake American suburbs with dense, low-income housing developments and the elimination of strict zoning laws.

Harris has also touted Wall Street’s support. During the vice presidential debate, Harris noted Wall Street analysis conducted about the Biden-Harris economic plan.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder