Rasmussen Reports, a tried and true pollster, an accurate pollster, one of the very few not serially humiliated over the last few election cycles, found that only 56 percent of voters see President-elect Joe Biden as their president.

Actually, as I will explain below, it is 52 percent.

“Many anti-Trumpers insisted throughout President Trump’s four years in office that he was not their president, and a surprisingly high number of voters feel the same way about President-elect Biden,” Rasmussen writes, adding, “Just 56% of Likely U.S. Voters feel that Biden is their president. Thirty-four percent (34%) say he is not, while 10% more are not sure.”

Interestingly enough, when asked the family/friends question, as in, “Do your family and friends consider Biden their president?” that number drops to just 52 percent. The reason that’s interesting is that pollsters have discovered the “family/friends” question is more accurate than a direct question.

In worse news for His Fraudulency, only 51 percent of unaffiliated (read: independent) see Rapey Joe as their president. Naturally, Hunter’s Dad is doing worse with Republicans, with only 28 percent saying Biden is their president.

What pure joy I feel from this poll. Pure Christmas joy, if you will… At long last, after 20 years of Democrats and their fake media screaming NOT MY PRESIDENT! at George W. Bush and Donald Trump, our side has finally caught up.

My guess is that the moment people decided Biden would not be their president is when they witnessed, in real time, all the vote counting stop in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, and Milwaukee.

Democrat governors flooded their swing states with tens of millions of mail-in ballots not requested by voters. Left-wing judges unilaterally and deliberately weakened laws that protect from fraud. And then the counting stops just as it looks like Trump’s running away with it…? I’m begging ya’, son, don’t ask me to be okay with that.

And then no one wants to look into what happened, and those who do are pilloried as unpatriotic conspiracy theorists? Please, son, please.

I don’t know what happened. I don’t know if there was enough fraud to overturn the results. But I’ll tell you one thing: the fact that the establishment freaks out any time someone wants to look into vote fraud or wants to tighten the rules to avoid fraud makes me more suspicious than anything else.

So remember, them’s ain’t our rules. We didn’t make those rules. The Not-My-President rules have been around and accepted for 20 years now. Those are your rules, and now that some 70 million patriotic Americans are playing by them, I don’t want to hear any crybabying.

Only 52 percent (as I explained above) see Handsy Joe as their president. Amazing.

Corrupt elites in charge of the dominant culture want you to believe you’re alone. You’re not. 

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