A majority of Americans are not confident in President Joe Biden’s ability to respond to terrorist threats, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Monday revealed.

The survey, taken April 29 and May 2 among 1,000 likely voters, asked respondents, “How confident are you in President Biden’s ability to deal with terrorist threats in the United States?”

Nearly one-third, or 30 percent, said they were “very” confident, while 16 percent said “somewhat” confident. Fifty-two percent, however, said they are “not very” or “not at all” confident in Biden’s ability to deal with such threats. Of those, 40 percent said they are “not at all” confident.

Confidence levels vary on party lines, as 82 percent of Republicans expressed a lack of confidence, compared to three-quarters of Democrats who said they are either “very” or “somewhat” confident. Fifty-three percent of voters unaffiliated with either major political party expressed doubt in Biden’s ability to deal with the threat.

The survey also asked respondents if the threat of terrorism has risen since Biden became president. A plurality of likely voters, 48 percent, said “the threat of terrorism has gone up,” followed by 29 percent who said it has remained the same, 14 percent who said it has gone down, and 9 percent who remain unsure.

Voters remain virtually split on whether they consider the July 6 riot a “terrorist act,” with 46 percent saying “yes” and 45 percent saying “no.”

The survey’s margin of error is +/- 3 percent.

Last month, Biden announced $250 million in spending on Palestinians “despite a 2018 law that prevents U.S. taxpayer dollars from supporting the Palestinian Authority while it pays stipends and pensions to terrorists and their families,” as Breitbart News reported.