Seven “noose-like ropes” found on a construction site in the heavily Democrat city of Windsor, Connecticut, forced Amazon to shut down the site.

In the deep blue city of Windsor (where His Fraudulency Joe Biden won 75 percent of the vote), which is located in the Democrat-run state of Connecticut (where His Fraudulency won 60 percent of the vote), Amazon has been forced to cease construction on one of its facilities “after several noose-like ropes were discovered at the site in recent weeks.”

Yep, another day, another act of apparent racism where Democrats live and govern:

During a press conference Thursday, Windsor Police Chief Donald Melanson said a rope, which could be interpreted as a noose, was first located hanging within overhead beams on the site Wednesday afternoon. Officials said that many workers had left the area and gone on break at the time of the incident.

The incident happened on the fourth floor of the construction site. Melanson said it “was hung with the intention of creating a disturbance.”

The rope was delivered to the state lab for testing and officials are investigating.

The FBI is also involved.

“The New Haven Division of the FBI is lending its resources and support to the Windsor PD for this ongoing investigation… We stand united with all of our law enforcement partners across the state in rooting out and applying the role of law to any individual or group perpetuating hateful ideology and intimidation in our communities,” the FBI said in a statement.

This is the seventh “noose-like rope” discovered at this site in the past month.

Between Amazon and the contractors, the reward for capturing whoever is involved in this “noose-like rope” spree has reached $100,000.

The language the media are using here — “noose-like rope” — is interesting. You can see a picture of two of the “noose-like ropes” at the 1:10 mark in this video. The second one seems to be a bit of a stretch, to say the least. The first one could come with a perfectly innocent explanation (remember Bubba Wallace being victimized by a garage pull?), but in a city like Windsor where so many Democrats live, we have come to expect explosions of racism, so this could very well be the real deal.

Police are carefully describing the rope as something that “could be interpreted as a noose.”

This newscast described it as a “concerning rope.”

The NAACP is involved and “will meet with workers to discuss the recent hate crimes and listen to their concerns and experiences.”

“These forms of hate crimes have had a detrimental stain on the current state of America’s reality and for them to hit so close to home and with such consistency, shows a robust disrespect for the not only human decency but also for our ancestors who lost their lives due to the hate represented within the knots in those ropes,” said an NAACP statement.

Carolos Best, a 55-year-old black man who appeared at the NAACP press conference, said he worked on this site for a couple months and heard “racial remarks” and saw “confederate flags” he people’s hats and cars.

Amazon is a left-wing company.

Windsor is a left-wing city.

Connecticut is a Democrat-run state.

If there’s racism in America, this is where you’re going to find it.

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