Biden White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Friday responded to a question regarding the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools — which a reporter euphemized as “antiracism” — saying that President Joe Biden believes schools should teach “systemic racism that is still impacting society today.”

A transcript is as follows: 

PHILIP WEGMANN: Delegates of the National Education Association approved a measure last week calling for support of, “the implementation of culturally responsive education, Critical Race Theory, and ethnic Studies curriculum in pre- K-12 and higher education.” The president is obviously a big fan of education, the first lady is a union teacher. I’m wondering what are the president’s thoughts on antiracism curriculum.

JEN PSAKI: The president believes in our history there were many dark moments and there is not just slavery and racism in our history, there’s systemic racism that’s still impacting society today. And he believes, and as I believe as a parent of children, that kids should learn about our history. So, as a spouse of an educator and some who continues to believe that children should learn not just the good, but also the challenging in our history and that’s part of what were talking about, even as it’s become politically charged.