Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday he could not announce a decision to run for president in 2024 because of campaign finance laws.

The president spoke about his future political plans in an interview on the Michael Savage Show.

Savage asked the former president to talk about the possibility of another run for president in 2024, prompting Trump to criticize campaign finance laws.

“I can’t really because of campaign finance rules, regulations, very complicated, very stiff, and frankly very antiquated if you want to know the truth. It’s ridiculous,” he said.

But Trump did concede he looked forward to talking about his political plans in the future.

“I will be talking about it and I think that people will be very happy,” he predicted.

Trump’s political action committee  – Save America PAC – allows him to spend the hundreds of millions of dollars that he raised after the election for political activities but not on an official presidential campaign.

If Trump officially announced a run for the White House, he would face strict rules requiring him to share details of his personal finances as well as stricter limits on donations and spending.

Trump’s Save America PAC last reported $85 million cash on hand in April, money expected to increase as the president gets involved politically in the 2022 midterms.

The former president can continue to use that money to help Republican candidates as long as he is not an official candidate for president.

Trump said he would continue to fight for great Republican candidates but again criticized Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s leadership.

“If we had leadership, this party would be amazing, but Mitch is not a good leader, he’s just a survivor,” he said.

Trump continues to tease another run for president, for example, telling Fox News host Sean Hannity that he had made up his mind about whether or not he would run again.

“Let me ask you this, without giving the answer, what the answer is, have you made up your mind?” asked Hannity.

“Yes,” Trump replied.