Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) called the impeachment of His Fraudulency Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over their disastrous and unlawful open border policy.

The Democrat party’s “replacement theory” is currently in full flower. We not only see a record number of illegals come across our border, we see thousands and thousands welcomed by the Biden administration.

So, on top of the countless thousands sneaking into our country, thousands more are being transported – and welcomed – by our own government into the American interior and then let go.

There’s only one reason to do such a thing, especially in the middle of a pandemic… Biden is looking to replace Americans with a more compliant population who will reliably vote Democrat and won’t upset the Democrat party’s Big Business pals by unionizing and demanding higher wages. Democrats have made no secret of this plan.

Currently, there are photos all over social media of busloads of illegals being dropped off in the American interior,

“We are witnessing the mass release of migrants in downtown McAllen today,” reported Bill Melugin of Fox News on Monday. “Border Patrol buses and vans are pulling up every 15 minutes. Agents tell us it’ll be happening all day long. Hundreds released so far. Most going to the McAllen bus station. B[order] P[atrol] overwhelmed.”

This includes illegals reportedly infected with the coronavirus.

This is lunacy. Not only are illegals allowed to sneak into the country, our own government is bussing them in and apparently housing the ones with the China Flu.

Rep. Chip Roy has had enough. “Total [border] encounters: 205,029. Total known gotaways: 37,400,” Roy tweeted Monday, adding, “1.3 million for [20]21 so far. Largest monthly encounter number since 2000.”

Conservative commentator Jesse Kelly responded to Roy’s tweet by calling for Biden to be impeached.

“What Joe Biden is doing at our border is impeachable,” he tweeted. “It’s more impeachable than Watergate. This is an attack on the sovereignty of America, and it’s coming from the Oval Office. Republicans should move to impeach after 2022.”

Roy then responded to Kelly’s tweet with two words and two hashtags: “Co sponsor. #ImpeachBiden #ImpeachMayorkas.”

Later, Roy told the Daily Wire:

Over the past several months, President Biden and Sec. Mayorkas have blatantly and consistently refused to do their constitutional duty to take care that the immigration laws be faithfully executed, as required by Article II, endangering countless American and foreign lives in the process.

There is simply no question Biden is violating his oath of office to “faithfully execute” the laws of the United States. The laws are written by congress. The law as it currently stands requires our borders to be protected against invaders. Yet, Biden is not only allowing tens of thousands of invaders in; he’s reportedly allowing them in even if they have a contagious virus. Oh, and he’s giving them free bus trips into the American interior and then letting them loose in our towns and cities.

Americans are being told to strap on those filthy masks again due to increased coronavirus cases and Biden’s importing the coronavirus.

Americans are fighting for higher wages and Biden’s importing cheap labor.

Americans are desperate for affordable housing, and Biden’s importing illegal competition for that housing.

Americans are dealing with an explosion in violent crime, and Biden’s importing thousands of unvetted illegals, who are mostly young and male.

Of course, he should be impeached.