In Democrat-run New York City, you can riot, burn, block traffic, and take a dump in the street without consequence, but you will be arrested and taken into custody for walking a dog without a leash.

This is real, folks. There’s video…

An Upper West Side woman was handcuffed, tossed into a police holding cell and treated like a criminal all over a minor infraction — walking her two dogs without a leash in Riverside Park, she told The Post.

Dora Marchand, 29, took her two mini Australian shepherds, Comet and Sophie, out for a walk on Aug. 4 and only took doggy bags and her keys with her — leaving behind the leashes, her phone and identification.

Though unleashed, Comet and Sophie also stood obediently nearby, circling around their owner as one of the officers tried in vain to herd them into wire cages. Off camera, the officer who initiated the arrest gleefully explained how he’d use an electric stick to shock them into compliance.

This woman lived right around the corner, and rather than walk her over there to get her ID, these fascist Parks Enforcement officers arrested her.

This woman lived right around the corner, and rather than let her drop her two dogs off at home, these fascist Parks Enforcement officers were eager to use cattle prods to cage the dogs and then, one has to assume, hand them over to animal control.

Thankfully, someone on the scene was able to reach Marchand’s boyfriend by phone, who came by to pick up the dogs and take them home. He also brought Marchand’s ID, but these fascists still arrested her, took her into custody, and locked her in a holding cell.

“Once at the precinct,” the New York Post reports, “Marchand said she was treated like a ‘real’ criminal — officers stripped her of her shoes and made her remove the strings from her pants as she sat in a holding cell[.] ”

There is no indication, including from a fascist Parks Department spokesperson who defended the arrest, that the dogs were in any way unruly or a threat to anyone. In fact, if you watch the video, the dogs are amazingly well behaved, even as their owner is arrested and cuffed.

Marchand was issued two tickets and hit with a $525 fine.

As a dog owner, I am in complete sympathy with leash laws. I get it. My little dogs are much safer with everyone else’s dogs on a leash. But to arrest this woman and hit her with a $525 fine is outrageous. She has every right not to walk around with ID and should’ve been issued a warning about the leash.

This is how Democrats run their cities, how they govern, and not just in New York.

We see this everywhere…. The left-wing terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter are put through a revolving door without any consequences for their lawlessness. Criminals, including violent ones, are released from prison and without bail. Sanctuary cities allow illegal aliens with forged identification to steal jobs from legal immigrants and citizens. The homeless are allowed to trespass and defile.

But law-abiding Americans, like this nice young woman, are hit with the full force of the law.

Why would anyone want to live in a city where Dora Marchand is arrested, handcuffed, and taken into custody while violent terrorists are allowed to terrorize?

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