A poll from the Public Policy Institute of California found that 58 percent of likely California voters oppose the recall effort against California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom.

This is compared to the 39 percent of likely California voters who are for the recall effort, wanting Newsom out of office. The 39 percent was heavily weighted on the Republicans.

Broken down by party identification, 82 percent of Republicans are for the effort, while only 17 percent oppose the Newsom recall. For the those who identify as Democrat, only 7 percent want to see Newsom recalled, and while an overwhelming majority (90 percent) oppose him being recalled.

Independents are more evenly split; 44 percent would like to see him recalled, with 49 percent who oppose.

If the recall effort is successful, Republican Larry Elder holds a commanding lead over the other competitors. Elder holds 26 percent of the vote, with the next competitor, Republican Kevin Faulconer, at 5 percent.

Overall, the recall effort having a lasting effect on the state, 91 percent of the likely California voters said the outcome of the recall is important, with 70 percent of that being “very important.”

Public Policy Institute of California poll was surveyed between August 20 to 29. The survey asked 1,706 adults and has a sampling error of +/- 3.4 percent at the 95 percent confidence level.

This poll comes just weeks before the in-person voting date of September 14. However, the mail-in ballots have already begun arriving at the homes of all registered voters in California in mid-August.

The ballot consists of two simple questions: First, voters are asked if Newsom should be recalled (yes/no). The second question asks which candidate should replace him.

Follow Jacob Bliss on Twitter @jacobmbliss.