Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) slammed President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s “open-door policy” Thursday, declaring, “It needs to end now.”

“The Biden/Harris open-door policy has been a disaster. It needs to end now. The main beneficiaries of open borders are the gangs, cartels, and human traffickers,” she wrote in a Facebook post:

“The Trump policy of having people wait on the other side of the border worked and needs to be reinstated,” Gabbard continued.

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Meanwhile, photos and video showed the massive effort by Texas to halt or reduce the record-setting border crossings happening in the Del Rio Border Sector.

“The sector rose to the second busiest along the southern border in recent months and garnered national attention,” Breitbart News reported Wednesday:

The crossing of Haitian migrants into the Del Rio Sector is nothing new. In July 2019, Breitbart Texas reported that more than 1,000 Haitian migrants crossed into the sector during a two-week period in June. Nearly one year ago, federal officials reported a another surge of Haitians. In January 2021, the sector began seeing increasing numbers of Haitian migrants, leading Border Patrol to detain subjects under the Del Rio International Bridge.

In June, Texas Governor Greg Abbott responded to the growing border crisis by declaring that the State would build its own border wall. As the numbers of Haitian migrants being detained in the makeshift camp under the Del Rio International Bridge grew to more than 15,000, Abbott ordered the deployment of DPS troopers and National Guardsmen to block their flow across the Rio Grande.

Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson recently stated his theory about why the Biden administration had relaxed the U.S. Mexico border, allowing for what he described as an “unrelenting stream of immigration.”

Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images & AP Photo/Eric Gay

The host argued it had to do with reducing “the political power of people whose ancestors lived here” and increasing “the proportion of Americans newly arrived from the third world.”

Carlson also described it as the “great replacement.”