Fifty-three percent of likely voters support the Senate’s 60-vote filibuster threshold, an increase of six percent since June, Wednesday’s OnMessage poll revealed.

While the Democrats and President Joe Biden have mounted a communications campaign to terminate the filibuster to enact radical legislation, such as federalizing elections, a majority of voters support the filibuster.

Only 27 percent oppose the filibuster, while 20 percent were either unsure or had no opinion. In June, only 47 percent supported the filibuster, while 30 percent opposed it.

The polling is likely a setback for the Democrats, who are heading into the 2022 midterms with an agenda of destroying election integrity.

Biden demanded in Georgia on Tuesday that voting be made less secure. He advocated for more insecure mail-in-voting drop-boxes and fewer voter ID restrictions.

“Voting by mail is a safe and convenient way to get more people to vote,” Biden claimed. “So they are making it harder to vote by mail.”

“To protect our democracy, I support changing the Senate rules,” he said about terminating the filibuster. “When it comes to protecting majority rule in America, the majority should rule in the United States Senate.”

On January 4, news broke that Georgia Election officials opened a probe into possible illegal ballot harvesting in the 2020 election via True the Vote evidence.

The True the Vote evidence reportedly includes phone data correlated with video that shows individuals dropping ballots at 5,662 ballot drops during the 2020 pandemic.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø